Developing Groundwater Sustainability Plans: Strategies and Process

To implement the new groundwater requirements in California will require an in depth knowledge of groundwater management planning strategies linked closely with an effective stakeholder process that can address complex interests and governance choices. In this course, you will learn about the process and content of the new groundwater sustainability plans and analyze various implementation strategies that meet the technical requirements of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. You will explore alternative strategies involving options like conjunctive use and groundwater recharge, extraction limits and fees, shared resource agreements, conservation and recycling strategies, water quality considerations, monitoring and modeling, and permitting and approval processes. The process of designating, establishing and confirming a new groundwater sustainability agency and determining viable boundaries will also be discussed.


The course will also introduce participants to the skills and approaches to work collaboratively with neighboring water districts, local jurisdictions, private land owners and State and federal agencies.  Explore the advantages and disadvantages of different governance models using case studies from around the State and nation. Practice interest based negotiation strategies and leadership skills for bringing diverse viewpoints and perspectives together. Explore the use of joint fact finding and joint model development as a way to develop a plan. This course will allow participants to explore their own basin governance and consider who should be the implementing agency and how they might operate.

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