windmills on a hill

Planning and Sustainability

Planning and Sustainability is a multidisciplinary program that focuses on two of our most precious resources – the environment and the people who live and work in it. The program—the largest of its kind in the western United States—takes a holistic approach to understanding the diverse planning and land use challenges of California’s communities. From policy and analysis to design and implementation, our program meets the continuing education needs of planners, attorneys, resource managers, government officials, developers and others involved in land use planning and the management of environmental resources.

Courses Open for Enrollment

Self-Paced Programs
Course Title Online Start Date Enroll
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialization on Coursera check mark Start any time Enroll Now
Land Use and Natural Resources
Course Title Online Start Date Enroll
Introduction to Conflict Resolution check mark Enroll Now
CEQA: A Step-by-Step Approach check mark Enroll Now
CEQA Practitioner Program check mark Enroll Now
Planning and Sustainability Online Information Session check mark Enroll Now
GIS Analyst Badge check mark Enroll Now
VMT Analysis in the SB 743 World check mark Enroll Now
Streambank Assessment and Restoration check mark Enroll Now
Successful CEQA Compliance: An Intensive Seminar check mark Enroll Now
Planning and Sustainability Online Information Session check mark Enroll Now
The General Plan in California check mark Enroll Now
CEQA: A Step-by-Step Approach check mark Enroll Now
Environmental Planning and Site Analysis check mark Enroll Now
Clean Water Act Section 404: Nationwide and Other Specialized Permits check mark Enroll Now
40-Hour Mediation check mark Enroll Now
EIR/EIS Preparation and Review check mark Enroll Now
Subdivision Map Act check mark Enroll Now
Wetlands Regulation and Mitigation check mark Enroll Now
Writing for Planners, Engineers and Policymakers check mark Enroll Now
Project Planning for Permit Integration check mark Enroll Now
Financial Aspects of Planning check mark Enroll Now
Air Quality Analysis check mark Enroll Now
NEPA Overview and Refresher check mark Enroll Now
CEQA: A Step-by-Step Approach check mark Enroll Now
Housing 101: Affordable Housing check mark Enroll Now
Overview of California Water Law and Policy check mark Enroll Now
Successful CEQA Compliance: An Intensive Seminar check mark Enroll Now
Planning and Environmental Law check mark Enroll Now
Fundamental Conflict Resolution Skills check mark Enroll Now
Cultural Resource Management: CEQA, NEPA and Section 106 check mark Enroll Now
Project Management for CEQA check mark Enroll Now
40-Hour Mediation check mark Enroll Now
Urban Planning and Design Studio check mark Enroll Now
Water Quality Regulation and Permitting check mark Enroll Now
CEQA: A Step-by-Step Approach check mark Enroll Now
Overview of California Environmental Regulations check mark Enroll Now
CEQA Update, Issues and Trends check mark Enroll Now
Writing for Planners, Engineers and Policymakers check mark Enroll Now
Developing and Writing Effective CEQA Documents check mark Enroll Now
Community Involvement and Communication in Planning check mark Enroll Now
Mitigation Measure Development and Monitoring check mark Enroll Now
Conflict Resolution
Adult Learners

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