CEQA: A Step-by-Step Approach


Clarify and deepen your understanding of CEQA and the implications it has for your organization, plan or project. Discuss the latest changes to the state CEQA guidelines, new case law and legislation.

Topics include:

  • CEQA's legislative history
  • An overview of CEQA requirements
  • Steps in the CEQA process and when projects are exempt
  • The threshold decision: Is an EIR required?
  • Negative declarations and mitigated NDs
  • How to determine the scope and content of an EIR
  • Public notice and review requirements
  • Agency decision-making under CEQA
  • Mitigation monitoring and reporting
  • When to prepare supplemental EIRs
  • Judicial review of CEQA decisions
Section Number
Instruction Method
Online class

Association Credits

American Planning Assoc (AICP)
6.50 AICP hours
State Bar of California (MCLE)
6.50 MCLE hours

Section Notes

This is an online, remote learning course, which consists of content and curriculum that is taught with pre-recorded and real time lectures, in addition to real-time lecture/Q&A sessions with the instructors. Pre-recorded lectures and live sessions are accessed via our Canvas learning system and Zoom. 

This course is open June 23 - June 27, 2025, with a live session on June 27, 2025 from 2:00-4:00 PM PST.

Attendance of the live session is mandatory to receive credit for this course.

We allow registration through the 12:00 PM PST (noon) on the first day of the course. We cannot extend course access beyond 11:59 PM on the last day of class, so students pursuing a late enrollment acknowledge that they will have less time to complete the materials. Please contact the course representative with any questions. 

Refund Deadline: June 16, 2025  Refunds and/or enrollment transfers will not be approved after this date.

Refund Deadline CEQA Practitioner Students: 7 Days Before the First Course in the program 

Enrollment Policies

Drop requests (withdraw with a refund) will be approved, less a $30 processing fee if received by the Refund Deadline: 6/16/2025  Refunds and/or enrollment transfers will not be approved after this date. Click here to view complete enrollment policy information including details on withdrawals and transfers. Refunds and/or enrollment transfers will not be approved after this date.

Refund Deadline CEQA Practitioner Students: 7 Days Before the First Course in the program 

Technical Requirements

Please view the technological requirements for online learning to ensure your success in this course: https://cpe.ucdavis.edu/areas-study/online-programs/technical-requirements



Members can receive 10% discount on the course fee by entering the Coupon Code.  If you don’t have your association discount code, contact UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education Student Services at (800) 752-0881.

Info Session Discount

Attendees of UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education Information Sessions may be eligible for $100 discount on a class by entering the Coupon Code provided at the Information Session.  Contact UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education Student Services office, at (800) 752-0881, if you have questions about this discount.


Members can receive 10% discount on the course fee by entering the Coupon Code.  If you don’t have your association discount code, contact UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education Student Services at (800) 752-0881.