Clean Water Act Section 404: Nationwide and Other Specialized Permits
Understand and comply with requirements of the most widely used set of permits for projects in wetlands and other waters of the U.S. under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, which requires projects to first obtain a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the placement of dredged or fill materials in U.S. waters. Through the Corps' Nationwide Permit Program (NWP), general permits may be issued on a nationwide basis for activities that have minimal effects on the aquatic environment.
Study the current Nationwide Permits, including general and specific regional conditions. Gain a thorough understanding of the NWP program and the latest information from the Corps as well as other state and federal agencies. Review verification and pre- and post-construction notification processes and discuss requirements for notification contents. Further your understanding of:
- Activities covered by NWPs
- Region-specific conditions
- Use of multiple NWPs
- Special aquatic sites
- Mitigation requirements
- 401 certification
- ESA/EFH compliance
- NHPA Section 106 compliance
- Local Corps district policies
Association Credits
Section Notes
This is an online, remote learning course, which consists of 6.5 hours of content and curriculum that is taught with pre-recorded lectures as well all mandatory live Zoom session with the instructor(s). Pre-recorded lectures and live sessions are accessed via our Canvas learning system and Zoom. This course is the same length as a standard 1 day, in-person course, please be sure to plan your schedule accordingly.
This course is open September 22 – September 26, with a live session on September 26 2:00-4:00 PM PST.
Attendance of the live session(s) is mandatory to receive credit for this course.
We allow registration through the 12:00 PM PST (noon) on the first day of the course. We cannot extend course access beyond 11:59 PM on last day of class, so students pursuing a late enrollment acknowledge that they will have less time to complete the materials. Please contact the course representative with any questions.
Enrollment Policies
Drop requests (withdraw with a refund) will be approved, less a $30 processing fee, if the request is received seven calendar days before the course begins. Click here to view complete enrollment policy information including details on withdrawals and transfers.
Refund Deadline: September 15, 2025. Refunds and/or enrollment transfers will not be approved after this date.
Info Session Discount
Info Session Discount
Members can receive 10% discount on the course fee by entering the Coupon Code. If you don’t have your association discount code, contact UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education Student Services at (800) 752-0881.