CEQA Update, Issues and Trends

Implementation of CEQA continues to be a challenge for professionals due to annual legislative, regulatory and judicial developments. CEQA practice is constantly evolving, raising new issues and revealing new trends. Learn recent developments and emerging trends, and exchange ideas about handling key issues in the environmental review process. Examine recent CEQA legislation, as well as recent and upcoming regulatory changes. 

Review the latest CEQA court decisions and their practical implications, including:

  • "Common sense exemption"
  • Categorical exemptions and exceptions (including the recent Calif. Supreme Court decision Berkeley Hillside Preservation v. City of Berkeley)
  • Negative declarations and mitigated negative declarations, as well as the fair argument standard and when a record contains “substantial evidence”
  • Environmental impact reports and the adequacy of impact analysis (including impacts to agricultural resources) 
  • Mitigation measures, agency rule-making requirements and agency requirements to mitigate per Legislature’s directive (including recent Calif. Supreme Court decision City of San Diego v. Board of Trustees of the California State University)
  • Trigger for supplemental or subsequent CEQA documents (versus addendums)
  • Tiering from functional equivalent documents or General Plan EIR
  •  Litigation matters
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CEQA Update, Issues and Trends Apr 28, 2025 Enroll Now