Student Spotlight: Dilhari Peiris

Dilhari Peiris’ Success Story

Dilhari Peiris is a recent graduate of UC Davis Extension’s Web Development Certificate Program and now she works as a web developer in Washington, D.C. We asked her to share her experience.

What made you want to learn more about website development? A. With the rapid expansion of digital marketing and social media, online presence has become a vital factor of business success. There is also an increasing tendency for interconnecting devices through the internet. As a result, web development is a field that has immense promise for growth and exciting new job opportunities.

How did you feel the program prepared you for the web/IT industry? A. I was a physicist prior to transitioning into web development. I used the websites I developed as final projects [in my classes] as portfolio websites during my job search. The technical background I got from this program was very helpful for me to succeed in my job search as well as in my current position, which involves both front-end and back-end web development.

What did you think of the instructors? A. The instructors were very committed and provided valuable feedback and assessments throughout the program. They were very responsive and attentive in answering the questions I had throughout the courses.

Would you recommend this program to aspiring web developers? A. Yes. This web development program is very well organized and provides a solid foundation into web development. If someone follows all the lectures of this program thoroughly and completes the assignments and projects to their best, they could become a successful web developer.