Turn a passion for gaming into a viable esports career. Learn from industry experts how to work and grow within an esports organization. As business opportunities flourish, the industry will create demand for professionals with the right mix of training, passion, and knowledge.
Explore the history of esports. Discuss global issues and current trends. Understand developers, athletes, fans, sponsors, and media. Examine relationships in esports communities and understand how their different roles affect each other. Apply effective communication strategies and presentation tactics to specific esports scenarios. Learn essential components in the building, managing, and closing of esports related events and projects. Discover organizational structure, brand building, and promotion and funding opportunities.
Who Should Enroll
Individuals aspiring to launch or already beginning their career in the business of esports. This program suits game developers, finance professionals, community managers, marketers, and project managers.
What You'll Learn
Our industry expert instructors will help you:
- Speak knowledgeably about the history, community, and business of esports with future employers and other stakeholders in the industry.
- Develop actionable suggestions to encourage growth or improvement in the esports industry.
- Develop effective communications geared towards fans and decision makers within the esports industry.
- Create social media content that entices esports fan interaction.
- Apply project management skills and tools to initiate, plan, execute, and close an esports live event.
- Program cost: $2,725
- A one-time, nonrefundable candidacy fee of $125 must be paid before completing this program for individuals who wish to be awarded a digital certificate.
Required Courses
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Course schedules are subject to change. Individual courses may be taken without enrolling in the full certificate.