Association for Asian American Studies

This is an optional 1.0 CEU enrollment for registered participants in UC Davis Asian Studies' Delano Manongs Tour & AB123 Curriculum.

In fulfillment of AB123, which mandates the teaching of Filipino Americans’ contributions to the farm labor struggle in California, the Welga Project has created a digital archive of primary resources on their contributions, including oral histories, photographs, documents and ephemera. The course will introduce participants to the resources offered by the Welga Project as well as AB123-compliant curriculum developed by the Welga Project, together with K-12 teachers through the Filipino American Educators
Association of California. Additionally, participants will take part in a landmarks tour of Delano, Calif., led by the Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS), Delano chapter, of key sites related to Filipino farm worker history with particular focus on the Delano grape strike of 1965, which led to the formation of the United Farm Workers (UFW).

For additional information visit:

Course Code