This course is an optional 3.5 CEU enrollment for registered participants of the Sacramento Area Science Project institute.
The Designing Practice-Based Instruction in Math and Science course is intended for K-12 teachers of mathematics, science and technical subjects. This course will focus on application of the practices from Common Core Mathematics and the Science and Engineering Practices from the Next Generation Science Standards in curriculum development and instruction. In this course participants will do the following:
- Develop a deep understanding of the intent, meaning and performance of the Mathematics Practices in Common Core State Standards and the Science and Engineering Practices as described in the Next generation Science Standards and the K-12 Framework for Science Education
- Describe the relationships between instruction (teacher actions) and student actions in practice-based instruction
- Identify classroom examples of Mathematics and Science and Engineering Practices in action, as well as impediments to implementation of the practices
- Use an instructional framework for integrating the Mathematics and Science and Engineering practices into K-12 education
- Design curriculum and instruction aligned to the practices in the NGSS and Common Core Math Standards
- Work on aspects of a web-based resource for other educators
The above will be accomplished via individual readings, demonstrations, small group discussions, large group discussions, design of curriculum and review and revision of that curriculum. Participants will work both individually and in teams, and will be presenting their curriculum to the larger group for critique and feedback.
For more information, registration and information when the course is not offered visit