Optional 3.0 CEUs for registered participants of the UC Davis Mathematics Project’s The Inspiration of the Common Core series of Saturday workshops.
The vision for mathematical proficiency outlined in the CCSS will require changing beliefs about K-12 mathematics and then transforming the practice to bring that vision to life in our classrooms. To better meet your needs and those of your students, we will be breaking into 3 different grade level spans for the sessions. K-2 teachers will meet as a group for the entire day, and 3rd-7th grade teachers will meet together in the morning and then break into a 3rd-5th grade session and a 6th-7th grade session in the afternoon. 8th-12th grade teachers will meet as a group for the entire day. This structure will allow us to focus on some of the broad topics that transition from elementary school to middle school and from middle school to high school, and it will also provide opportunities for collaboration around supporting students as they transition.
Topics and activities include:
- Mathematical problem solving as it relates to “sense-making”, modeling and mathematical practice
- Exploring and examining a variety of content areas and standards key to specific grade levels
- Engaging in discussions on planning units and lessons aligned to the CCSS-M
- Examining current instructional materials and additional resources to supplement the curriculum
- Examining technology available to help students explore and develop conceptual understanding of key mathematics concepts
- Exploring ways to “construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others”
- Investigating how using students’ prior knowledge can help them access new content and develop the deeper understanding needed to meet the demands of the CCSS-‐M
- Using games in the classroom to both motivate students and teach core concepts
- Developing implementation plans for the ideas discussed in the session as well as reviewing student work brought as evidence from implementation of prior planning
For additional information and enrollment see http://education.ucdavis.edu/uc-davis-math-project