Planning for Resiliency: Integrating Climate, Water, Wildfire and Land Use

A warming, destabilized climate, droughts, wildfires, increased population and political polarization are hammering communities. There is a pressing need for community to transportation planning professionals to update and retool 20th century practices to more effectively address 21st century challenges. This course will introduce resiliency planning as it relates to the pressing issues of climate, water, wildfire and land use planning. This course will connect the dots between these issues as we explore how to address them holistically, with consideration for social equity and collaboration.

Designed for all levels of public agency planners to private sector directors and consultants, as well as design professionals, engineers, developers, builders, NGO staff and community-based organizations. This course is for professionals seeking career advancement in a planning or resilience-oriented job. Students will gain the context of a historic perspective and explore the four major topics through illustrative case studies and selected readings. Students will be encouraged to engage in discussion with each other and instructors.

Learning objectives:

  • Recognize key cross-cutting issues and practices pertaining to water, wildfires, climate and land use planning
  • Distinguish between historical and current threats and needs in the major topics
  • Explain the interconnected nature of climate-related threats, water scarcity and management, and land use
  • Identify relevant planning documents and programs and discuss possible ways to adapt them for use by local government or other jurisdictions
  • Discuss metrics and indicators for successfully integrating resilient planning
  • Practice active listening, conflict resolution, and collaboration as they relate to resiliency
Course Code