Successful CEQA Compliance: An Intensive Seminar

CEQA is the state's most comprehensive environmental law. Its requirements influence virtually all prospective land use and public agency projects.

Learn how to clearly understand and comply with CEQA guidelines in this interactive seminar, designed to assist public agency staff, consultants, attorneys, developers, members of environmental organizations and others. 

The first portion focuses on:

  • The background and implementation of CEQA
  • The preliminary review process
  • Determination of an environmental document
  • The negative declaration process and document content
  • The Environmental Impact Report (EIR) process

The second portion focuses on development of exceptional impact analysis and mitigation measures and the integration of other environmental programs. Specific topics include:

  • Impacts and mitigation
  • Integration with NEPA, water quality, wetlands and endangered species regulations, and historic preservation programs
  • Judicial review
  • EIR management issues
Course Code
Title Start Date Enrollment
Successful CEQA Compliance: An Intensive Seminar Feb 17, 2025 Enroll Now