During this institute for elementary teachers, participants will critically examine the standards for mathematical practice along with some of the latest research on how children learn mathematics. In doing so, they will look for ways to enhance their current mathematics instruction in ways that will inspire them and their students. Participants will investigate a variety of strategies and resources to support them in infusing their mathematics instruction with ideas and activities designed to engage and motivate all learners. Participants will critically examine their current instructional materials, identifying areas where their students are struggling and then embedding and/or designing lesson ideas and strategies to enhance students’ learning opportunities in those areas.
Topical Outline:
Participants will work individually, in small groups, and as a whole class to:
- Experience hands-on opportunities to tie other content areas into the mathematics classroom
- Refine questioning strategies and explore research-based methods to scaffold student thinking, reasoning and understanding
- Explore how to support algebraic thinking and making mathematical generalizations
- Discuss ways to modify and adjust their current adoption using methods designed to increase student engagement and achievement
For additional information visit: http://mathproject.ucdavis.edu/