This course is an online enrollment option for those completing the Professional Learning Series. Do not enroll in this course unless you can complete all modules in the series by the posted end date. If you are not already working in the modules but are interested, please visit:
This course explores three modules that introduce language development, the development of social interaction and ways to support learning number sense in a TK setting. These modules are part of the California Department of Education professional learning series Transitional Kindergarten Online Learning Modules.
Participants will learn about legislation and policy regarding transitional kindergarten (TK}, key resources to support TK implementation, the importance of age and developmentally appropriate practices in TK programs, and research implications for TK program planning, instruction, and assessment. The importance of the TK learning environment, teacher collaboration and family engagement are emphasized in every module. Strategies for Universal Design for Learning, differentiated instruction and supporting English learners are also highlighted.
As these are online courses for CEUs, attendance will be monitored through the course's activity menu page, which tracks the completion status of each lesson within the course. In order for attendance and participation requirements to be fulfilled, all required lessons must be logged as complete within Moodle.
Module Objectives:
Language Development
- Learn about language development and its role in cognitive development, reading achievement, overall school performance and social relations; examine language development in the California Preschool Learning Foundations and the Preschool Curriculum Framework
- Explore the continuum of language development across the Preschool Learning Foundations and the kindergarten content standards
- Explore language development in the areas of environment, instruction and assessment; reflect on supporting language development for all children
Social-Emotional Development: Social Interaction
- Explore Social-Emotional Development Foundations for Social Interaction
- Promote social interaction in the areas of environment, instruction and assessment; reflect on ways to support social-emotional development for ALL students.
Supporting Number Sense in Mathematics
- Learn about why focusing on number sense in transitional kindergarten is important for young learners; examine the mathematics domain in the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Preschool Curriculum Framework as well as other key resources
- Consider how the TK classroom environment supports mathematics development; review key interactions and strategies that promote number sense
- Explore options for assessing number sense
- Support for all children in developing mathematics