UC Davis GSP graduate Ryotaro Okada poses with flowers at the Davis Farmer's Market

From Davis to Disney: How UC Davis Helped Ryotaro Okada Achieve His Dream

Even though it’s been nearly five years since Ryotaro Okada was a student at UC Davis, it still holds a special place in his heart. “Davis is my second home,” he says. 

As an ESL student from Ritsumeikan University in Japan, he participated in the Global Study Program to improve his English fluency and gain the academic skills and foundation he needed to attend graduate school in the United States. While UC Davis was just one step on his path toward becoming a theme park designer, the profound impact this place has had on him and the relationships he made here have become an integral part of who he is. And his connection to Davis remains strong. He recently reached out to let us know his dream has come true—he just landed an internship at Disney!

We caught up with Ryotaro on Mother’s Day weekend. He’d taken a bus up from UCLA, where he is about to graduate with a master’s degree in architecture and urban design, to visit his host mother. We met at the Davis Farmer’s Market as he picked out flowers to bring her. 

What does Davis mean to you? 

To me, Davis is my second home. The people are warm, and I love the Davis community. I’ve kept in touch with my host family and friends here, too. Time moves a little slower here, which is precious to me. I love the peaceful campus and feel lucky that I got to live and study here thanks to the Global Study Program. 

Davis has a small-town feel, and a safe and clean environment, so it is an ideal place for students, especially for international students. Students can focus on studying and enjoying what life has to offer without constantly worrying about their safety. LA was a little too chaotic for me. It made me miss Davis even more.

How did your experience in GSP help you prepare for your M.S. at UCLA? 

Since my dream has always been to work in the theme park industry, LA was a great place to network with people who are active in the industry. GSP gave me the invaluable experience necessary to prepare myself for academic success at UCLA. Being an international student can be very challenging and stressful, but while at UC Davis, I learned “the rhythm” and adapted to the fast-paced quarter system, which is different from my home university. 

Through GSP, I connected with Professor James Housefield who taught my Introduction to Design class. Later, when I was applying to U.S. grad schools, I reached out to Dr. Housefield and he wrote me a letter of recommendation. His son got into UCLA last year. When Dr. Housefield visited his son, I met up with him. 

How were you able to apply what you learned at UC Davis to your studies at UCLA? 

While at UC Davis, I learned to get out of my comfort zone. I joined the design club, tried out for volleyball and became a tutor for the Japanese Language & Culture Program. Because of GSP I had access to extensive student opportunities and was able to take different classes beyond my major, such as Winemaking, the Design of Coffee and Music Theory. I brought this mindset of always staying open to learning new things to UCLA. 

What's next after you graduate with your master's? 

I received an internship offer from Graphic Fabrication Design Team at Walt Disney Imagineering (WDI). My dream came true! As a STEM student, post-graduation, I am eligible to apply for OPT (Optional Practical Training), which allows me to work in a job related to my field of study and gain practical experience. 

I will be moving to Orlando two days after graduating from UCLA! My parents are flying from Shiga, Japan, to attend my graduation ceremony and help me move to Florida. After six months of internship, I hope that I can continue working for WDI. 

Do you have any advice for GSP students? 

Don’t be afraid of doing new things or meeting new people. I think it’s the key to future success. GSP students are already taking on new challenges, but I’d recommend going one step further; don’t limit yourself!

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