Double Take Part Three: Coming of Age

Starting with François Truffaut’s The 400 Blows, we explore contemporary cinematic portrayals of coming-of-age across diverse cultures. A short film and a thought-provoking discussion accompany each feature. Join our multicultural celebration of growth, milestones and transformative challenges, fostering a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

List of films: 400 Blows (1959) directed by Francois Truffaut - France, How to Build A Girl (2019) directed by Coky Giedroyc - England, Yuni (2021) directed by Kamila Andini - Indonesia, Zizou and the Arab Spring (2016) directed by Ferid Boughedir - Tunisia.

Academic Units
Section Number
Instruction Method


Watermelon Music

1970 Lake Blvd. suite 1, Davis, CA, 95616

Watermelon Music

Watermelon Music 1970 Lake Blvd. suite 1, Davis, CA, 95616

Section Notes

Students receive an Enrollment Confirmation by email after enrolling in this course.

Course will take place in-person at Watermelon Music, 1970 Lake Blvd. Suite 1 Davis, CA 95616. Please be watching email just prior to class for a PARKING MAP showing approved parking at the location. Please respect the parking guidelines on the map. 

Enrollment Policies

This course requires a paid OLLI membership.
All withdrawal requests are subject to a $20 processing fee.  No refunds are given for a withdrawal once a course has begun.