Forestry Institute for Teachers

The Forestry Institute for Teachers (FIT) is a one-week, experiential course for K-12 teachers. Registered participants may enroll for three academic quarter units. FIT is designed to increase participants’ content knowledge, skills and resources to effectively teach their students about forest ecology and forest resource management practices. The program is intricately correlated with the California Department of Education's subject area standards and goals for Environmental Education.  The program empowers teachers to foster conceptual learning, critical thinking and decision-making skills in their classrooms. For additional information visit  

A very important objective of FIT is to provide balanced, standards-based education that is vital to the understanding of how decisions are made about management of forests and the natural resources upon which humans depend.  Another very important objective is to utilize a balanced approach in exploring the controversial issues surrounding California's forests. FIT participants examine how forest ecosystems and their management impact the needs of both rural and urban citizens in regard to water, wildlife, recreation, biological diversity, habitat protection and consumer products derived from forests.  Lastly, participants also draft an environmental education curriculum or service learning project.

Academic Units
Section Number
Instruction Method
Credit services - transcript record

Section Notes

This is an optional 3.0 academic unit (AU's) enrollment for registered participants of the Forestry Institute for Teachers - Shasta (June 30 - July 6). Please do not enroll in this section if you have not attended course. 

Enrollment Policies

Please make sure you are enrolled in the correct section. There are no refunds and a $30 transfer fee applies.