Montessori Early Childhood Curriculum I: Practical Life, Sensory Education, Art, Music, and Movement

This class focuses on two core Montessori curriculum: practical life and sensory education. In addition, the class will focus on co-curricular activities: art, music, and movement. Practical life curriculum includes how to create a classroom culture of respect, kindness, and responsibility by establishing ground rules to aid lessons on grace and courtesy; reinforcing growth mindset and mindfulness activities that foster care of self, others, and the environment. Visual arts is an extension of practical life. Sensory education will include foundational mathematical thinking (sorting, organizing, classifying, and seriating) to support in harnessing the child’s absorbent mind by using concrete materials and experiences that develops the sensory acuity in visual, muscular/tactile, olfactory, gustatory and auditory enables the child to make sense of the world. Music and Movement is an extension of Sensory education.
Section Number
Instruction Method
Credit services - transcript record

Section Notes

This is an optional 8 Continuing Education Unit (CEU) course. Please do not enroll in this section if you have not attended course.