CEQA Practitioner Program

The five-course CEQA Practitioner Program has been designed to provide professionals with a comprehensive overview of the entire CEQA process. Through a review of case studies, project-based work and real-world examples that instructors and fellow learners bring to the discussion, you’ll gain an understanding of the legal requirements and best practices necessary to ensuring your project meets CEQA standards.

Program at a Glance

  • Complete in less than a year
  • 5 online courses (2 required and 3 electives)
  • $2,343 - $2,460

Who Is This Program For?

  • Early- to mid-career environmental planners and consultants
  • State and local jurisdiction employees who oversee CEQA projects
  • Land use and environmental attorneys
  • Civil engineers and real estate developers

You’ll Learn How To…

  • Understand and apply CEQA requirements and underlying case law
  • Develop initial studies and determine when an EIR is required
  • Establish thresholds of significance
  • Create effective, defensible mitigation measures
  • Review CEQA documents and supporting materials
  • Effectively manage CEQA projects and teams
  • Engage and communicate with stakeholders

How Does it Work?

  • Complete two required courses: CEQA: A Step-by-step Approach and Successful CEQA Compliance: An Intensive Seminar
  • All required courses in this program are online, in a remote learning format, which consists of content and curriculum that is taught with pre-recorded and real time lectures, in addition to real-time lecture/Q&A sessions with the instructors. Pre-recorded lectures and live session(s) are accessed via our Canvas learning system and Zoom.
  • Complete three elective courses of your choosing (see full list of available electives below in Section Notes)
  • One optional elective course is offered in an in-person format that takes place over two days in Sacramento, CA. The remaining elective courses are offered online, in a remote learning format.
  • Successfully complete a total of five (5) courses in a year, or less, and you will earn a skills badge to display on LinkedIn
  • Students who enroll in this program and pre-pay for all five courses up front receive a 10% discount on their final elective course and $25 off our return course, CEQA Update Issues and Trends

How to Enroll

  • Click on the “Apply Now” button and fill out a brief application form where we’ll ask you to choose the three elective courses you’d like to take. Don’t worry, there’s no application fee!
  • Once you submit your application, a program representative will email you within 48 business hours with a link to your personalized shopping cart where you will be able to pay for the two required and three elective courses you’ve chose for your program
  • Upon payment, you will be enrolled into all five courses and will receive instructions via email as to the dates and next steps for your personalized CEQA Practitioner Program
Course Code