Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why is construction leadership training important?
  • Leadership skills are vital in any industry, but for leaders in construction, the nature of the industry necessitates a unique set of traits that must be learned and honed.
    • Encouraging collaboration. Collaboration brings together diverse ideas, skills and experiences to solve difficult problems. A leader in the construction industry may have a wide variety of teams to manage (e.g., general contractors, internal staff, etc.) sometimes without direct contact or lines of communication, and needs to sometimes find unique ways to motivate their teams to collaborate independently.
    • Communication. Clear communication can foster teamwork and improve results. Whereas poor communication can lead to time-wasting delays and setbacks. Effective communication amongst a diverse range of stakeholders is an essential skill for any construction leader.
    • Executive presence. Mid-level managers often have to deal with pressure from the top while holding a professional line when interacting with their teams. Juggling these diverse demands requires emotional intelligence and the presence of mind to juggle competing interests.
    • Leadership mindset. Many people find themselves in leadership positions because they are exceptionally skilled in their day-to-day work. How does one balance technical expertise with leadership skills? By learning to trust and delegate to staff.
  • How does this program differ from other construction-related programs offered by UC Davis CPE or other institutions?
  • The Leadership Development for Construction Professionals Program is designed to build upon your existing skillset, whether that’s been learned on the job or in the classroom. The goal of the program is to leverage what you already know about the business of construction and enhance that experience with leadership techniques and communication skills that help you excel and reach the next level in your career.
  • Who is this program for?
  • This program has been designed for all functional area construction leaders, including field leadership, seeking to earn higher-level roles and greater leadership responsibilities.
  • Do I need prior construction experience to enroll in this program?
  • While there is no formal screening or application process to enroll in the Leadership Development for Construction Professionals Program, it is highly recommended that students have at least two-five years of professional experience in the constructionindustry or hold a bachelor’s degree or professional certificate in a related subject (e.g., construction management).
  • What will I get when I complete this program?
  • By completing this program you will obtain a complete body of knowledge centered onleadership skills and communication styles specific to the construction industry.
    Successful completion of both courses will also earn you a skills badge. A digital badge is a graphic verification of the skills you have mastered after successfully completing a specific course or program. As part of our commitment to providing you with the tools necessary to achieve your professional goals we have partnered with Credly to provide you with a digital version of your credentials.
    Digital badges are a great way to share your educational achievements and new competencies with employers, colleagues, friends and family via social platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Digital badging is rapidly becoming the new standard by which adult learners visually communicate their ongoing professional development and commitment to lifelong learning. Learn more about digital badges.
  • Do I have to complete every course in the program?
  • No. You may enroll in whichever course you prefer and have no obligation of taking the other class in the program if you do not wish to.
  • How long is each class?
  • Each class in the Leadership Development for Construction Professionals Program is approximately six weeks long. Classes will be held via live Zoom sessions, with some reading and lecture recordings to review in preparation for that week’s discussion. All live class sessions will be held in the evening hours to offer minimal disruption to your work/life balance.